Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Emersyn's First day of Preschool!

Today was Emmy's first day of Preschool! She was really bummed when Lilly got to go to school last week, and she didn't, so this day was a long time coming for her. It's really nice when your kids want to go to school, you can get them to do everything they need to do so they can go... it's great!
As I was getting Emmy dressed this morning, I tried to put a diaper on her just in case she had an accident. She would have nothing to do with it, she wanted to wear her big girl panties! We talked a lot about the bathroom when we got there and tried to get her to go before I left. I just hope she gets it and tells the teacher when she has to go. She does a pretty good job at home, so we will see when I pick her up if she has on the same clothes I took her in!
I am so excited for her, she is so happy to be there. I get to work in her class on Thursday. I am looking forward to being there to see how she does!