We went and had an ultrasound yesterday and came home with a new picture, one I can finally share! My other 2 were just little blobs. It is amazing how much they grow in just 2 weeks. It went from a grain of rice to a kidney bean... crazy right? I have 5, count them 5 more ultrasounds left, so in 2 weeks there will be another new picture. The Dr. said the baby is growing really well and everything looks good! So here IT is...
Friday, April 18, 2008
New Baby pic
Posted by Erin Brummitt at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Apparently I am immune to more than 1 type of birth control, e.g. LILLIAN and baby #3! So obviously it wasn't in the plans, but we are very excited and happy! We are due November 30th, 2008. Unfortunatly with this pregnancy, I ended up a "high risk". I have what is called "APS", watch the video to learn more: http://www.webmd.com/video/aps-pregnancy My Dr. decided to do these special blood tests because I have had 1 miscarriage in the past, and the APS usually shows up after 1 or 2 pregnancies. I am doing 2 heparin shots daily and taking 1 baby asprin as well. I will do this through my whole pregnancy up unitl a few weeks before I deliver. They say I will probably be induced 1-2 weeks ahead of my due date, so we may be looking for a Thanksgiving baby... little turkey! I will try to be good with my updates on here as well. I have U.S. pictures but they aren't anything that you can see very well, but next thursday I have another one, so hopefully we can see a baby figure then. I will be 8 weeks at that appointment. Im looking forward to being out of my first trimester, but the whole 9 months will be nerve racking for sure!! I am going to post a little pregnancy ticker too, so you can always come by the blog page and check it to see what the baby looks like an how far along I am too... Yippy!!
Posted by Erin Brummitt at 3:33 PM 2 comments